Safe-Hit Bollards are durable and flexible for multi-purpose use.

Safe-Hit’s flexible posts rebound from multiple impacts, and are constructed of durable linear low density, co-extruded polyethylene with ultraviolet inhibitors. They are available with portable bases, surface mount bases and soil anchors. Safe Hit posts feature a two-piece, self-locking system that reduces installations and maintenance costs. The Safe Hit Line is ideal for applications with average impact frequency.

Safe Hit Post


Delineating parking, construction zones, centre line medians and H.O.V lanes.

1-3/4” inner tube for superior rebound capability.

Base that features pin-lock system.

Bases capable of being reused when installed with butyl. Epoxy is recommended for permanent applications.

Easy installation on asphalt or concrete.

SMA Standard surface mount base with locking pins for use where posts are permanently installed.


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Select Products Available to Purchase Online!

You can buy Parking Solution products direct from our online store. These products include Wheel Clamps, Convex Mirrors, Hemisphere Mirrors, Parking Stops and Parking Locks. 

Information & Sales

Mobile:  +27 83 482 0204
Central Switchboard:  087 0572 722
International:  0027 21 201 7242

Regional Branch Numbers

Central Switchboard: 087 0572 722
Cape Town: 021 201 7242
Johannesburg: 010 593 0868
Pretoria: 012 942 9366
Durban: 031 940 7088
Port Elizabeth: 041 450 5288
Bloemfontein: 051 011 0287

website developed and maintained by Melissa K

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